Weymouth summer Schools 2011

Our English Languages Summer School Courses Provide:

English language tuition tailored to individual student needs and provided by a team of dedicated staff.

Courses which also meet the broader educational, cultural and recreational needs of students, and include evening and weekend social events and optional visits to London, Salisbury, Bath, Stonehenge and other attractions.

Accommodation with host families who are used to caring for International students, with transport provided to and from the College daily.

Superb facilities - we have a large and newly-equipped Computer centre and a well stocked Library, classrooms with interactive whiteboards and other equipment, and comfortable social and dining areas.

Round the clock help and advice from our International Student Co-ordinator vice from our International Student Co-ordinator and a team of support staff.

Japanese Summer School 2010

Japanese Summer School 2010

Japanese Summer School 2010

Weymouth College Summer Schools

Wasegaku 2009